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From a nutritional point of view, beer contains significant amounts of B vitamins, mainly folates and riboflavin, and selenium.<ref name="Siqueira">Siqueira, PB, et al. [ "O Processo De Fabricação Da Cerveja E Seus Efeitos Na Presença De Polifenóis (The Beer Manufacturing Process And Its Effects On The Presence Of Polyphenols)"] ''Alimentos e Nutrição Araraquara'', vol. 19, no. 4, 2008, pp. 491-498.</ref>

Due to its antioxidant capacity and low alcohol content, beer is able to improve plasma antioxidant activity, reducing the risk of coronary artery diseases without presenting the negative aspects produced by high doses of ethanol. Therefore, due to beer has a high concentration of antioxidant compounds, its moderate consumption is capable of positively influencing the plasma lipid level and its anticoagulant capacity.<ref name="Siqueira"/>
Beer is considered a source of folates and otherB vitamins, such as [[niacin]], pyridoxine and cyanidesnocobalamin, in addition to being cited as an important sourceselenium and have a diuretic effect, due to the high ratiopotassium / sodium. 6Hops are considered an herb with propertiesmedicinal products, used as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. Ostudy of the properties of some compounds present in thehops revealed bioactive effects in a large part of theirmetabolites. 23The antioxidant properties of phenolic acidsgives them the ability to prevent cancer due to theirability to scavenge free radicals, which cause oxidationthe DNA of cells. Arimoto-Kobayashi 4 reviewed liver and lungs of rats, revealing which componentspresent in beer are able to protect the body againstagainst the genotoxic effects of heterocyclic amines.Several compounds were isolated from beer andsubmitted to in vivo tests , with the objective of studying theirability to prevent the occurrence of degenerative diseasessuch as cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Amongthe isolated compounds, prenylflavonoids andalpha acids. The xanthohumol chalcone, together withits isoxanthohumol isomer, formed during processingare prenylflavonoids found in greater con-focusing on beer. Xanthohumol has been identified asthe main agent in cancer prevention, due to itshigh antioxidant capacity, besides presenting propertiesanti-estrogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic activities,inhibition of DNA polymerase and the ability to controlproliferation of cancer cells. 17Epidemiological studies indicate that consumptionmoderate alcohol consumption is inversely related to thecardiovascular diseases, presenting a lowermortality rate among those who consume beveragesmoderately alcoholic, mainly wine and beer,compared to individuals who do not consume these drinksor those who consume too much. Epidemic studiessuggest a relationship between foods rich inpolyphenols and the prevention of some diseases, like cancer,cardiovascular disease and inflammation.<ref name="Siqueira"/>
On average, beer contains 2–6 g/L peptide, which mainly originates from the cereal grains.<ref>Han Y, Wang J, Li Y, Hang Y, Yin X, Li Q. [ Circular dichroism and infrared spectroscopic characterization of secondary structure components of protein Z during mashing and boiling processes.] ''Food Chem.'' 2015;188:201–209.</ref>
Beer contains about 500 mg/L of proteinaceous material.<ref name=steiner>Steiner E, Gastl M, Becker T. [ Protein changes during malting and brewing with focus on haze and foam formation: a review.] ''Eur Food Res Technol.'' 2011;232:191–204.</ref>
Potential sources:
*Bamforth, C. Nutritional aspects of beer—a review. Nutr. Res. 2002, 22, 227–237.
*[ Beer Polyphenols and Menopause: Effects and Mechanisms—A Review of Current Knowledge]
*[ Beer Polyphenols and Menopause: Effects and Mechanisms—A Review of Current Knowledge]
*[ The Role of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds on the Impact of Beer on Health]
*[ The Role of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds on the Impact of Beer on Health]