Hydrogen sulfide

From Brewing Forward
Revision as of 17:17, 27 February 2020 by Adam (talk | contribs) (Research)

(This article is in progress)

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), or "sulfide" is a yeast-derived off flavor, one of several volatile sulfite compounds. Sulfide aroma and flavor is often described as sulfurous like rotten eggs, "rhino farts", burnt match, or simply "sulfur".

This is one of the most common off flavors that presents in cider and wine. It can also occur in beer and other fermented beverages. In fact, a slight note of sulfide may be acceptable in some styles of lager (beer).

Flavor and aroma threshold.


Mercaptans, disulfides, and other badness. ???

Why is it produced?

Lack of nutrients

Others stressors ... Temperature?


How do we prevent it?

Strain selection.



Lower/remove sulfite?


How do we get rid of it when it occurs?


Ascorbic acid

Aeration? / Aging?

External Resources

