Water mineral adjustment

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Although malt is the main source of minerals extracted into wort and beer, the minerals in water play a critical role in the brewing process and beer flavor.[1][2] Arguably the most important feature of the water minerals is their influence on wort and beer pH control.[3] During mashing, bicarbonate ions raise the pH, while calcium and magnesium lower the pH. To illustrate the importance of this fact, consider that the water profiles of different European cities have shaped the development of beer styles suited to achieving the proper mash pH, long before brewers knew of such concepts.[2] However, it is useless to replicate the water profiles from famous/historical brewing regions because brewers have been modifying their brewing water for centuries.[4][5] Besides helping to control pH, various ions in the water can have a more direct effect on the beer's flavor and palate characteristics, primarily the levels of sulfate, chloride, sodium, and magnesium. Not only the levels, but the ratio between some of these ions can have effects on the flavor balance of the beer. Ions can also affect other as aspects of beer quality, including fermentation, mash enzyme action, and haze.

Brewing salts

These are the brewing salts we recommend for simple water chemistry adjustments. Always buy food grade salts.

Salt Purchase online
Calcium sulfate
Calcium chloride

Optional, but recommended:

Target mineral levels

Important ions in brewing water
Ion  Desired level  Characteristics
Calcium (Ca2+) 50 to 150 mg/L Calcium improves mashing enzyme activity, beneficially lowers pH, improves protein coagulation, lowers oxalate, and improves yeast flocculation. Calcium does not provide flavor.
Magnesium (Mg2+) 0 to 40 mg/L Magnesium beneficially lowers pH, improves fermentation performance, increases hop utilization, and imparts a sour and bitter astringency to beer.
Sodium (Na+) 0 to 120 mg/L Sodium improves mouthfeel and fullness, rounds out flavors, and accentuates the sweetness of malt.
Potassium (K+) 0 to 200 mg/L Potassium is required for fermentation, but the malt provides more than enough to support the yeast. Potassium does not provide flavor unless the level is excessive.
Chloride (Cl) 0 to 250 mg/L Chloride provides a roundness, fullness, and accentuates the sweetness of the malt.
Sulfate (SO42−) 10 to 500 mg/L Sulfate accentuates hop bitterness, and adds dryness and astringency, lending a more crisp finish.
Bicarbonate (HCO3) Variable, based on pH Bicarbonate is ion responsible for alkalinity — it raises pH during mashing, etc. Bicarbonate does not provide flavor.

Sulfate to chloride ratio

Before we jump in to creating a water profile for a beer, we need to understand the effect of the sulfate-to-chloride ratio. From the table above, it can be seen that the flavor effects of chloride and sulfate are somewhat antagonistic. The ratio of sulfate to chloride is said to greatly influence the hoppy-to-malty or dryness-to-fullness balance of the beer.[3][6][7] However, the actual amounts of each ion clearly also still play a role. Authors suggest a range of useful ratios, from 9 to 0.5.[4][8] In general, a higher sulfate balance is desired in hoppy ales, while a higher chloride balance is better malt-focused beers. This is merely a suggestion; ultimately it's up to the brewer to decide the bitter-sweet balance as part of a particular beer recipe.

Brewing salt calculator

Brewing Forward makes it easy to calculate the amount of salts required to hit your target ion levels and sulfate:chloride ratio.

  1. Enter your total volume of water to be treated, selecting the correct units.
  2. Enter your source water minerals. These are from your water report, or all zeros for RO water.
  3. Enter your target levels of calcium, magnesium, and sodium. The default targets are acceptable for general purposes.
  4. Slide the bar between sulfate and chloride to achieve your desired balance.
  5. Select the salts you will be using (if applicable).
Salt addition calculator

Source minerals
Target cations
Adjusted water
Target balance Sulfate Chloride

This calculator does NOT adjust the water for pH control. Use these results in combination with your mash pH calculation software to determine which additional acid/base modifiers will be needed.

See also


  1. Kunze W. Hendel O, ed. Technology Brewing & Malting. 6th ed. VLB Berlin; 2019.
  2. a b Montanari L, Mayer H, Marconi O, Fantozzi P. Chapter 34: Minerals in beer. In: Preedy VR, ed. Beer in Health and Disease Prevention. Academic Press; 2009:359–365.
  3. a b Taylor DG. Water. In: Stewart GG, Russell I, Anstruther A, eds. Handbook of Brewing. 3rd ed. CRC Press; 2017.
  4. a b Palmer J, Kaminski C. Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers. Brewers Publications; 2013.
  5. Fix G. Principles of Brewing Science. 2nd ed. Brewers Publications; 1999.
  6. Briggs DE, Boulton CA, Brookes PA, Stevens R. Brewing Science and Practice. Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC; 2004.
  7. Howe S. Raw materials. In: Smart C, ed. The Craft Brewing Handbook. Woodhead Publishing; 2019.
  8. Comrie AA. Brewing liquor—a review. J Inst Brew. 1967;73(4):335–346.