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Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in tissue contributes to the development of various chronic diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and cardiovascular diseases (Benzie, 2000; Stocker, 1999). Administration of antioxidants to patients may therefore help in removing ROS and thus improve the clinical outcome. Dietary antioxidants can enhance cellular defence and help to prevent oxidation damage to cellular components. There has been considerable public and scientific interest in therapeutic use of natural antioxidants. Among the natural antioxidants, polyphenols play a very important role. Dietary polyphenols are thought to be beneficial to human health by exerting various biological effects such as free radical scavenging, metal chelation, modulation of enzymatic activity, and alteration of signal transduction pathways.<ref name=itakur>Itagaki S, Kurokawa T, Nakata C, et al. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030881460801162X ''In vitro'' and ''in vivo'' antioxidant properties of ferulic acid: A comparative study with other natural oxidation inhibitors.] ''Food Chem.'' 2009;114(2):466–471.</ref> Epidemiological studies have shown relationships between consumption of polyphenol-rich foods and prevention of diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease, and osteoporosis, and results of these studies have promoted interest in polyphenols. This study in rats provides a scientific background of the usefulness of ferulic acid as a functional food ingredient that helps prevent pathological oxidation.
Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in tissue contributes to the development of various chronic diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and cardiovascular diseases (Benzie, 2000; Stocker, 1999). Administration of antioxidants to patients may therefore help in removing ROS and thus improve the clinical outcome. Dietary antioxidants can enhance cellular defence and help to prevent oxidation damage to cellular components. There has been considerable public and scientific interest in therapeutic use of natural antioxidants. Among the natural antioxidants, polyphenols play a very important role. Dietary polyphenols are thought to be beneficial to human health by exerting various biological effects such as free radical scavenging, metal chelation, modulation of enzymatic activity, and alteration of signal transduction pathways.<ref name=itakur>Itagaki S, Kurokawa T, Nakata C, et al. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030881460801162X ''In vitro'' and ''in vivo'' antioxidant properties of ferulic acid: A comparative study with other natural oxidation inhibitors.] ''Food Chem.'' 2009;114(2):466–471.</ref> Epidemiological studies have shown relationships between consumption of polyphenol-rich foods and prevention of diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease, and osteoporosis, and results of these studies have promoted interest in polyphenols. This study in rats provides a scientific background of the usefulness of ferulic acid as a functional food ingredient that helps prevent pathological oxidation.
*'''Cardiovascular protection.''' Flavonols and flavan-3-ols induce cardioprotective effects, including antioxidant effects (protection against LDL oxidation) and inhibition of platelet activity and vasodilatation.(205,237) trans-Resveratrol shows an impact on platelet aggregation and vasodilatation, and through its effect on the antioxidant status, regulates gene expression and decreases the total lipid concentration (cholesterol and triglycerides).(238) Although less potent, cis-resveratrol, trans- and cis-piceid also improve the antioxidant activity (239,240). Piceid absorption is enhanced by the presence of its sugar.(241)<ref name=calcol/>
*'''Anticancer activity.''' Xanthohumol is a “broad-spectrum” cancer chemopreventive agent acting on all three stages of carcinogenesis. Xanthohumol and isoxanthohumol are both active ROS scavengers, while only the former is active in superoxide scavenging assays. Isoxanthohumol, 8-prenylnaringenin, and xanthogalenol may also exert chemopreventive effects.(55,71,79,242,243) trans-Resveratrol inhibits the initiation and growth of tumors. It inhibits cyclooxygenase, ornithine decarboxylase, and angiogenesis.(244,245) trans-Piceid is a weaker inhibitor of ROS production.(246) Very little information is available on potential anticancer effects of flavonols and flavan-3-ols. Flavonoids might reduce the risk of cancer, although some procarcinogenic activities have also been reported.(115,205)<ref name=calcol/>
*'''Anti-inflammatory activity.''' Flavonoids alter the synthesis of eicosanoids (mediators of inflammation). They decrease the leukotriene/prostacyclin ratio by modifying lipoxygenase activity.(247,248) Immune regulation has also been observed.(249) trans-Resveratrol shows similar effects.<ref name=calcol/>
*'''Estrogenic activity.''' Prenylflavanones have mainly been studied for their estrogenic activity. Hopein is a very potent phytoestrogen. The authors recommend its application in prevention or treatment of (post)menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis.(71,134,242) Weak estrogenic activity has been observed for close analogs like 6-prenylnaringenin, 8-geranylnaringenin, 6,8-diprenylnaringenin, and isoxanthohumol. Prenylchalcones like xanthohumol and xanthogalenol also show low activity.(135) Estrogenic activity has recently been reported for some stilbenes, especially transresveratrol. cis-Resveratrol appears less potent.(245,251)<ref name=calcol/>
*'''Impact on neurodegenerative diseases.''' Hop proanthocyanidins can help prevent nitric-oxide-related disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.(49)<ref name=calcol/>
Phenolic compounds in food are of particular interest due to the potential health benefits associated with them. The biological activity of phenolic compounds is partly linked to their antioxidant activity, which enables them to protect human cells from oxidative stress. In fact, light and moderate drinking has been associated with lower mortality rates compared to heavy drinking and abstaining.<ref name=wangas/> Especially red wine consumption has been associated with a lower risk of mortality, even though confounding factors such as diet, exercise and social class have been found to be favorable in wine drinkers. This controversial phenomenon that light and moderate drinking is associated with a decrease in coronary heart
disease events has been associated with the high polyphenol content of red wine. Especially resveratrol has been linked to the beneficial health effects of red wine.
xanthohumol has been identified as one of the most potent cancer-chemopreventive compounds in beer (Gerhauser et al., 2002). Xanthohumol and other prenylated hop flavonoids are still a field of active research due to their biological activity with phytoestrogenic, antioxidant and cancer-chemopreventive activities (Stevens & Page, 2004; van Hoyweghen, Biendl, & Heyerick, 2010; Venturelli et al., 2016). However, the efficiency of xanthohumol as a pharmacologically effective food compound might be limited due to its low bioavailability (Venturelli et al., 2016). Cancer-chemopreventive substances in beer and their potential modes of action were reviewed by Gerhauser (2005). The bioavailablity of phenolic compounds is affected by their chemical structure, especially glycosylation. Glycosylation adversely affects gut absorption of phenolic compounds as it inhibits passive diffusion through biological membranes. However, removal of the sugar moiety might be achieved by human β-glucosidases and enzymes of the gut microflora (Scalbert & Williamson, 2000). However, other food constituents like lipids, proteins or carbohydrates also interact with polyphenols by noncovalent bonds (hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding). These interactions have an impact on polyphenol bioavailability and bioaccessibility as recently summarized by (Jakobek, 2015). Polyphenol intake from foods is observed by the increase of plasma antioxidant activity and by measuring phenolic compound levels in urine after the ingestion of polyphenol-rich foods (Bourne, Paganga, Baxter, Hughes, & Rice-Evans, 2009; Ghiselli et al., 2000; Scalbert & Williamson, 2000). Polyphenol intake after beer ingestion has been found to depend on the alcohol content of beer, with dealcoholization resulting in lower bioavailability (Ghiselli et al., 2000). In order to evaluate the potential health benefits of beer polyphenols, further studies concerning metabolism of phenolic compounds and the specific biological effects of phenolic metabolites are needed.<ref name=wangas/>
Resveratrol is reportedly an anti-inflammatory and anticancer agent, and also acts preventively on cardiovascular diseases development [55,56]. Cosmetic industry acknowledges it as an anti-aging agent [49].<ref name=habkos>Habschied K, Košir IJ, Krstanović V, Kumrić G, Mastanjević K. [https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5710/7/2/38 Beer polyphenols—bitterness, astringency, and off-flavors.] ''Beverages.'' 2021;7(2):38.</ref>
Phenolic acids are potent antioxidants and are absorbed by humans after beer ingestion.<ref name=wangas/>
*[https://www.hindawi.com/journals/omcl/2017/4749131/ Beer Polyphenols and Menopause: Effects and Mechanisms—A Review of Current Knowledge]
*[https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/26/2/486 The Role of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds on the Impact of Beer on Health]
*[https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10942912.2010.487627 Health-Related Aspects of Beer: A Review]
*[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0955286305000999 Phenolic acids from beer are absorbed and extensively metabolized in humans]
*[https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/25/18/4201 Flavonoids as Phytoestrogenic Components of Hops and Beer]
*[https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/4/7/759 Wine, Beer, Alcohol and Polyphenols on Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer]
*[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1026082325529 Isolation and potential cancer chemopreventive activities of phenolic compounds of beer]
*[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00217-017-2875-5 Reduction of toxicologically relevant styrene in wheat beer using specially produced wheat and barley malts]
*[https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf048146v Inhibition of Induced DNA Oxidative Damage by Beers:  Correlation with the Content of Polyphenols and Melanoidins]

*Lordan [https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/8/5/171 Total, Neutral, and Polar Lipids of Brewing Ingredients, By-Products and Beer: Evaluation of Antithrombotic Activities]
*Lordan [https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/8/5/171 Total, Neutral, and Polar Lipids of Brewing Ingredients, By-Products and Beer: Evaluation of Antithrombotic Activities]